Welcome to Current and Light

What is Current and Light All About?

For those who are curious, Current and Light came about as a creative outlet to combine my joyful pursuit of all things photography and fly fishing. “Current” represents both the currents of moving water I love to wade, drift and fish and also the current-of-words that skilled writers are able to craft seamlessly — a skill I hope to hone. “Light” represents the beauty of natural light and photography that captures that light.

Not much to this first blog post as I spend most of my time organizing and curating/culling photos from the thousands saved on various hard-drives. It is quite an undertaking but I’m having a blast doing it. Within these pages I will display collections of new and favorite photographs I’ve taken over the years. I will post honest reviews of gear (I love gear) I have chosen to purchase, why I chose the gear, etc. I hope to incorporate musings and short stories and honest editorials and hopefully have guests provide interesting posts from time to time as well. I will post tips and advice on topics that may be of benefit to fly fisherfolk and photographers if that information is useful to me and not readily available elsewhere. First and foremost I hope that the images I create stir emotions within readers and bring them to their favorite trips and time on the water.

Tight Lines.


fly fishing, photographySammy Chang